UKSE Helps Dream Come True For Recovery Charity.
UK Steel Enterprise’s funding for community projects in steel areas has made a dream come true for a Middlesbrough-based charity supporting people through recovery from addiction.
The Tata Steel business-support subsidiary has given Recovery Connections £2,500 from its Community Support Fund towards an exciting arts project that will culminate in performances at the UK Recovery Walk in Middlesbrough in September.
Leading company Fallen Angels Dance Theatre will work with Recovery Connections on a project that will include music, theatre, dance and exhibitions all aimed at raising awareness of recovery, illustrating the positives and challenging the stigma surrounding addiction.
Dot Turton, the CEO of Recovery Connections which works with around 400 people each year, said: “Fallen Angels Dance Theatre has been in our region before but with their own company. It has been my dream that one day they would work with our own group members because I have seen the amazing results and effect this can have on people in recovery.
“It inspires people and provides a huge amount of motivation and support. Thanks to the generosity of UK Steel Enterprise the programme will involve up to 30 participants both on stage and behind the scenes so it will be a real community project.”
Recovery Connections provides a range of services from residential rehab and support for families and carers to one-to-one help and various activities. The UK Recovery Walk in Middlesbrough is expected to attract up to four thousand people.
Peter Taylor, Business Development Manager, UK Steel Enterprise said: “Our Community Support Fund helps projects that improve the lives of people living in our steel areas. It is easy to see the value of the work done by Recovery Connections and of the event in September. Our contribution will help pay for workshops, choir coaching, materials and transport and we are very pleased to help.”
Paul Bayes Kitcher, a former Birmingham Ballet Theatre dancer, set up North West-based Fallen Angels Dance Theatre with his wife Claire and works with people recovering from addictions and mental health issues including war veterans and prisoners.
“We are so excited about this Middlesbrough project,” he said “We have a long standing relationship with Dot at Recovery Connections and are grateful that a sponsor like UK Steel Enterprise has made it possible.
“It is amazing to see how people who may feel reluctant to take part in an arts project just grow in confidence and discover they can do things they never thought possible. It is one of the most healing and supportive things people can do and everyone, including us, is invariably buzzing on performance day.”
PICTURE CAPTION: Peter Taylor (centre) of UK Steel Enterprise with CEO Dot Turton and members of Recovery Connections.
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