Cambuslang schools book free access to Wee Write!.
Hundreds of pupils from schools across Cambuslang have attended Wee Write! Glasgow’s annual book festival for children and young people, thanks to funding from UKSE.
Wee Write! which took place at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow from 18-22 May 2018, was founded in 2014 to help children fall in love with reading. It encourages families to read together and offers access to a wide range of quality writing, with over 12,000 visitors attending its events.
UKSE donated £2,500 to Glasgow Life, organisers of Wee Write!, to enable Cambuslang children to attend the festival. The funding, which aims to remove barriers to accessing the festival, was used to provide 200 free tickets to pupils from schools across the area as well as transportation to events.
Among the primary schools who benefitted from the funding package are: Cairns, Hallside, James Alton, Parkview, Newton Farm, St Bride’s, St Cadoc’s, St Charles’ and Westcoats. Secondary school pupils from Cathkin High, Stonelaw High and Trinity High also participated in the festival.
Among the wide range of events available to Cambuslang schools were sessions on Ron Butlin’s adventure mystery novel Steve And FranDan Take On the World, and Kerr Thomson’s The Rise Of The Wolves – a thriller set on a remote Scottish island.
Secondary school pupils attended events with award-winning author Alex Nye, whose historical novel For My Sins explores Scotland’s bloody past and Kirkland Ciccone.
Anne Clyde, regional manager at UK Steel Enterprise said: “Wee Write! was established to spark the imagination of children and help families to enjoy literature as part of their daily lives. We hope all of the Cambuslang children who attended the festival following our donation had a wonderful time and experienced the thrill of getting stuck into a great book.”
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UKSE proudly supports Ayrshire children’s charity.