New salon makes the cut with UKSE support.
A new unisex hair salon has just opened in the Welsh Valleys, with support from UK Steel Enterprise – and is already looking to take on staff.
Run by married couple Sean and Lynzi Price, Ghost Hair in Oakdale, offers clients the personal touch.
Sean and Lynzi have many years’ experience in the hairdressing business. “We had been working for other people’s salons, and thought it was time to take the plunge ourselves,” said Sean.
The salon opened its doors in January and is already gaining a reputation for quality and service. “We enjoy spending time looking after our guests and making sure they have a pleasant experience,” he added.
Business is building steadily and the couple are now looking for a trainee to help them.
The well-appointed salon is on the main square in the attractive village of Oakdale, and clients are coming from far afield.
The venture has been backed by a £500 Business Start Up Grant administered jointly by Caerphilly County Borough Council and Tata Steel subsidiary UK Steel Enterprise.
Lynzi says the grant was important and enabled them to buy essential equipment.
“It was a massive help when we launched the business,” she said. “The economic development team at Caerphilly Council were fantastic and helped us enormously.”
Gail Hannam of UK Steel Enterprise said: “We are very pleased to have been able to help Sean and Lynzi in their new venture and wish them every success for the future.”
Caerphilly County Borough Councillor Sean Morgan, Cabinet Member responsible for Economy said, “I am pleased that our partnership with UK Steel Enterprise allows us to provide financial support to new businesses to compliment the advice and continued support provided by the Economic Development Team.
“I am sure that both Sean and Lynzi will make a great success of Ghost Hair as they are off to a flying start.”
Caption: Cutting it: from left Gail Hannam UK Steel Enterprise, Claire Vokes Caerphilly County Borough Council, Lynzi and Sean Price and Councillor Sean Morgan.
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